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Training Overview

battered lecture room sign

involve provides training for the Voluntary and Community Sector across Bracknell Forest and the Wokingham Borough. Generally, training that is provided in Bracknell Forest is for groups, charities and volunteers from Bracknell Forest and training delivered within Wokingham Borough is for the Voluntary and Community Sector from the Wokingham Borough. We source and provide training in a number of areas covering both governance and workplace requirements.

Adult Safeguarding

involve is delighted to be able to offer free Adult Safeguarding training to our members, a minimum of 5 learners are needed for a course to go ahead. At the end of the course there is a short assessment and every learner who passes gets a certificate of attendance so you can be sure that they have understood the training. The trainer has been assessed by Bracknell Forest Council and can come to your place of work to deliver the training as required. Email us for more information.

Training schedule 2016

involve is developing its 2016 training calendar and training course details. We hope that through working with our partners and members we can provide and/or source a range of training that voluntary and community groups need to support and develop the excellent work they do.

You can also download the Training Bulletin recently published by our Wokingham Training Coordinator. This document lists many excellent courses being delivered across Berkshire that you may choose to access.