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involve provides training for the Voluntary and Community Sector across Bracknell Forest and the Wokingham Borough. Generally, training that is provided in Bracknell Forest is for groups, charities and volunteers from Bracknell Forest and training delivered within Wokingham Borough is for the Voluntary and Community Sector from the Wokingham Borough. We source and provide training in a number of areas covering both governance and workplace requirements.

Our training calendar has a summary of all involve courses, organised by month.

On the other training page you can find courses that have been brought to our attention, but have not been organised by involve.

If there is training that you or your organisation needs and it isn't listed below or under other training then contact us and we will look at the possibility of organising this training for you, or will search other local providers and signpost you to the relevant course.

If you would like more information on any of the courses or would like to book yourself or a member of your team on to the training then contact Rita (Bracknell) or Claire (Wokingham).

Training course schedule

Bracknell Forest Training

Wokingham Borough Training