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We need your support now!

By donating to involve you are making a contribution to all the voluntary and community groups working across Bracknell Forest and Wokingham Borough. Your donation will enable us to:

How do I donate?

Give mark on road

Every little bit helps, so support us now by:

*  Bracknell Forest Voluntary Action operates as involve and at present is still registered with the Charities Commission as BFVA, so cheques have to be made out to BFVA.

If you would like any further information about donating to involve or more ideas of how you can support us then please contact us on 01344 304404 or by emailing us.

involve provides high level support, advice and guidance to the VCS. We support groups and organisations to grow, flourish and develop through the provision of funding advice, training, group support and help to 'start-up' charities. In addition to this we are the Volunteer Centre for Bracknell Forest helping hundreds of people to find the right opportunity and Involves Community Choices and Befriending scheme is proactively combatting social isolation. By donating to us, you are part of this positive change we are making in your community!

Thank you!

We hold regular social coffee events for befriending, and for former and working carers. The cost of attending can prove particularly difficult for some people, especially the transport costs for those who are frail and disabled, and for volunteers on low incomes who provide invaluable befriending support.

Give as you Live is a shopping and fundraising site that works with over 2000 leading stores that have signed up to donate a commission on every online purchase to the charity of your choice. This commission is already included in the price of what you're buying, so you can support us at no extra cost to you.

To support our coffee events, you just need to register online, install a little bit of software that acts as a reminder every time you open up an affiliated online shopping site, and start shopping.

If you would like to know more about how you can help support these events, please email us.

With Everyclick Search you can raise money for involve (registered as Bracknell Forest Voluntary Action) with every web search.

Sign up so you can track your giving, right down to the penny.

A commission is generated by your searching. You can turn your online searching into significant additional cash for your favourite charity and it won't cost you a penny.