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Opportunity Registration

If you are a company wanting to volunteer employee time, skills and experience to the community, please follow this link to our CSR & Employee Volunteering page.

If you are a voluntary community group with a project or a wish list, please email us with the details.

Here is the information you need if you are a member of involve and you are a community, voluntary organisation or charity looking for volunteers.

You can use our online form to attract and match volunteers to your opportunity. The more interesting, appealing, accurate and worthwhile you make your opportunity, the more success you will have in attracting and finding the right volunteers. We do reserve the right to make changes to the information when it is entered into our database but we will make every effort to discuss this with you beforehand so please ensure that the contact details you provide us with allow us to do this.

If you prefer, you can download an opportunity form (PDF) which you can complete and send to us.

Do-it is the national volunteering database (NVD). We advertise details of volunteering opportunities on the Do-it web site and these details are then available to the public who are able to search the database to find opportunities that match their interests.

Partial details of the organisation offering the volunteering opportunity are also taken from your Membership Application & Registration Form. These are:

None of the above will be sent to the NVD until you have provided us with details of a volunteering opportunity. When you do this you have the option to request that the opportunity is not uploaded to the NVD.

If you are not a member of involve please go to our Member Information page where you can download a Membership Application & Registration Form.