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Welcome to involve

Supporting and empowering the Voluntary and Community Sectors across Bracknell Forest and Wokingham Borough

This is involve

involve is a local charity that supports other local charities and community groups in the area. If you want a quick introduction to the organisation, watch the film below - it gives a good overview of who we are and what we do!

Urgent call for volunteer Befrienders

As part of our Befriending & Community Choices project we are now looking to attract more volunteers to visit isolated, elderly people in the Bracknell Forest area.

What is befriending?

Befriending is simply a supported friendship between two people, a volunteer befriender and a member of the local community who feels isolated or alone, and is the simple act of giving your time to someone who needs support and friendship.

If you are caring and compassionate and can spare 1-2 hours per week for support/friendship please get in touch with us on 01344 304404 or email us.
