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Opportunity Registration Form

The information you provide using the online form will be used to attract and match volunteers to your opportunity. The more interesting, appealing, accurate and worthwhile you make your opportunity, the more success you will have in attracting and finding the right volunteers. We do reserve the right to make changes to the information when it is entered into our database but we will make every effort to discuss this with you beforehand so please ensure that the contact details you provide are complete.

If you prefer, you can download an opportunity form (PDF) which you can complete and send to us.

Opportunity Registration Form

Please answer all questions on this form as incomplete or poorly completed forms may be queried resulting in a delay in processing.

Items in bold must be completed.

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Organisation details

Organisation name

Opportunity title

Address line 1

Address line 2



Please provide the contact details for the person at your organisation who will liaise with us




Can the contact details be given to potential volunteers?

Dates and times

Start date

End date

Please tick the boxes for when volunteers will be required

Describe the opportunity and the skills required of volunteers

Opportunity description

Required volunteer skills

Directions to opportunity location

Areas of interest and types of activity

Tick a maximum of five interests that apply to the opportunity
 Art and Culture
 Disaster Relief
 Domestic Violence
 Drugs and Addictions
 Education and Literacy
 Emergency Services
 Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transsexual
 Health, Hospital and Hospices
 Homeless and Housing
 Human and Civil Rights
 International Aid
 Legal Aid and Justice
 Mental Health
 Millenium Volunteers
 Prisoners and ex-Offenders
 Race, Ethnicity and Refugees
 Sport and Outdoor Activities
 Women's Groups

Tick a maximum of five activities that apply to the opportunity
 Advice, Information and Support
 Architecture and Building Work
 Befriending and Buddying
 Business, Management and Research
 Campaigning and Lobbying
 Community work
 Employee and Group Volunteering
 First Aid
 General and helping
 Hostel work
 Local Events
 Marketing, PR and media
 National and International Events
 Practical work and DIY
 Retail and Charity shops
 Sports Development
 Teaching, Training and Coaching
 Trusteeship and Committee Work
 Under 16 Volunteering
 Youth work


Recruitment methods that apply - lists can be amended for your organisation

Recruitment method
 Application form
 Informal discussion
 Disclosure and barring clearance
 Trial period


Please provide details of the arrangements made under each heading below

Age/gender restrictions

Disabled access

Equal opportunities policy



Insurance cover

Support on offer


Any other arrangements

We normally post volunteering opportunities to the National Volunteer Database which appears on the Internet at the Do-it web site. This would make details of this opportunity available to thousands of potential volunteers. If you do not want this opportunity included on the NVD please untick the box.

 Include on NV database